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Truck Tarps and Accessories

Smoke Tarps

DS Sewing smoke tarps
smoke tarp diagram
Keep your load free of dirt and soot with this Smoke tarp. It covers the front of the load. Replaces flaps for lumber tarps. Can be used with 18' x 24' steel tarp to make a lumber tarp by turning the steel tarp sideways. The Smoke tarp is durable, long lasting and easy to handle.

Standard Prices and Weights

Solid tarps are available in 10 oz and 18 oz vinyl-coated polyester

Size Price
11' x 9' 9" $99.19

Size Price
96" x 96" x 18" $112.41

Size Price
96" x 102" x 18" $112.41

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   40 Hockanum Blvd Vernon, CT 06066

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